You are here: Promotions > Promotion On/Off

Promotion On/Off

Promotions can be turned On/Off direct from the POS Screen. This may be used for refunding items or inputting transactions that should or should not trigger a promotional event.


Go to Setup > POS Screen > POS Screen Setup > select Layout > Buttons > Promotions On/Off.

If required, you can enter a password for this button, will be required to be entered before the promotion settings will toggle.



Password Protection

Before the Promotions can be turned off, you will be required to enter the password.



There is no password required to turn promotions back on.


Promotions Off

When you press this button a message will appear warning “Promotions have been turned OFF”. The words “*PROMOS OFF*” will display in yellow in the bottom right-hand corner of the POS screen.



Promotions On

To turn on the Promotions, either Press the Promos On/Off Button, press Promos Off text or Close the POS Screen and re-open it.